Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Things I am Thankful For, Numbers 9 Through 11

9. Warm fingers. You may not realize it now, tiny digits of mine, but your survival is at risk! I don't have any gloves down here and the coming frosts will bring your slowing. So I celebrate you well, instruments of my instrument, vessels of my vessels. You are too beautiful, too articulate, too useful to cower under gloves and cloth, but perhaps prudence would be useful. New Brunswick is a harsh land.

10. Plans to excercise. Somehow, they always make one feel better--even moreso than actual exercising, it would seem. Potentiality is the true attainment of form; if the latter is thrust into our hands, it blackens and breaks as soon as we touch it.

11. Physical contact with other human beings. I had forgotten how good a hug felt. We all forget it at one point.

1 comment:

  1. Hugs are the best thing in the universe. :] It makes me happy that you've gotten to know people whom you can hug.
    Excercise plans are AMAZING, because you feel you've accomplished something without the need to exert yourself in any way. I often plan to excercise.
    You've had FROST? Our mornings have been chilly, but it was 26 yesterday when I was walking home.
